What Really Matters

by Fr. Ed Liptak, SDB The Scriptures on this Third Sunday in different ways show that the things of this world are passing, but instead, that following God’s will has immense and immortal value. It leads to eternal life. Nineveh was the capital of the Assyrians, mortal enemies of Israel. Jonah, the reluctant prophet, did everything he could to escape God’s plan to warn them. … Continue reading What Really Matters

Lo que realmente importa

by Fr. Ed Liptak, SDB Las Escrituras de este Tercer Domingo muestran de diferentes maneras que las cosas de este mundo son pasajeras, pero en cambio, que seguir la voluntad de Dios tiene un valor inmenso e inmortal. Conduce a la vida eterna. Nínive era la capital de los Asirios, enemigos mortales de Israel. Jonás, el profeta reacio, hizo todo lo que pudo para escapar … Continue reading Lo que realmente importa