Don Bosco the Dreamer: the Dream of the Snake and the Rosary

(ANS – Rome) – Many of the dreams that Don Bosco told his boys had obviously educational purposes, so much so that very often, not even his biographers were able to clearly demarcate the boundary between dream, vision, and pedagogical storytelling. Among these, we can certainly include the one known as “the dream of the snake and the rosary” (Biographical Memoirs – VII 141-145). Occurring in … Continue reading Don Bosco the Dreamer: the Dream of the Snake and the Rosary

Don Bosco’s Dreams: A Novena to Get to Know Them, Deepen Them and Receive New Energy

(ANS – Rome) – The novena begins today, 22 January, in preparation for the feast of the Father and Teacher of Youth, St John Bosco. In this bicentenary year of the Dream at Nine years of Age, the Salesian iNfo Agency would like to accompany this journey of preparation, following up on his countless “dreams” to let us once again be guided by Don Bosco and … Continue reading Don Bosco’s Dreams: A Novena to Get to Know Them, Deepen Them and Receive New Energy

Don Bosco’s Apostolic Energy Urges His Sons, and the by Now Mature Salesian Family Follows Him… “Literally”

(ANS – Turin) – The Eucharistic celebration presided over by Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, Rector Major, opened the 4th day of the Salesian Family meeting in Valdocco. “The presence here of many Salesians of Don Bosco from various continents, of the Salesian Family with the Major Superiors, Coordinators and World Presidents of the groups,” he stressed, “is a very strong symbol of Don Bosco’s family, also … Continue reading Don Bosco’s Apostolic Energy Urges His Sons, and the by Now Mature Salesian Family Follows Him… “Literally”

A Year in Numbers: ANS 2023, at the Service of the Communication of Don Bosco’s Mission

(ANS – Rome) – The Salesian Info Agency (ANS) is the Agency that deals with making the world aware of what good is done in the world in the name of Don Bosco. It is by constitution a “communication organ of the Salesian Congregation,” and for 74 years – with various changes of denominations and locations – it has made its mission to support to the … Continue reading A Year in Numbers: ANS 2023, at the Service of the Communication of Don Bosco’s Mission

“Artificial Intelligence and Wisdom of the Heart: for a Fully Human Communication”: The Holy Father’s Message for the 58th World Day of Social Communications

(ANS – Vatican City) – On the occasion of the feast of Saint Francis de Sales, Patron of Journalists, the Holy See Press Office has published the Holy Father’s Message for the 58th World Day of Social Communications, which this year will be celebrated in many countries on May 12, 2024. The theme chosen this year by Pope Francis, already announced on September 29, 2023, is … Continue reading “Artificial Intelligence and Wisdom of the Heart: for a Fully Human Communication”: The Holy Father’s Message for the 58th World Day of Social Communications

Salesian Family Spirituality Days 2024

Turin, Italy – January 2024 – The Salesian Family Spirituality Days 2024 ended yesterday, Sunday, 21 January. These were intense days, during which about 400 members of this great religious family, together with the 4,000 connected online, met in Valdocco with the Rector Major, Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime. Together, they prayed, shared spirituality, listened to testimonies, and reflected on Strenna 2024: “The dream that makes … Continue reading Salesian Family Spirituality Days 2024

Saint Francis de Sales, Who Inspires the Salesian Charism and Is a Model of Humanism for Don Bosco

January 24, 2024 (ANS – Rome) – The Oratory of St Francis de Sales was the small seed for the great Salesian work. With the small group of children and young people who were the oratory, Don Bosco founded the new religious congregation, which he placed under the protection and patronage of Saint Francis de Sales so as to give its members the name “Salesians.” Saint … Continue reading Saint Francis de Sales, Who Inspires the Salesian Charism and Is a Model of Humanism for Don Bosco

Happy Feast of St. Francis de Sales!

January 24, 2024 O Saint Francis of Sales,
who carried out your pastoral ministry
 with untiring dedication, 
help us to be zealous builders of God’s Kingdom.
 Give us optimism and gentleness in tribulations,
 so that we may bring the love of Christ to the young.
Teach us to cultivate a deep interior life, 
rooted in trust in God and celebrated in simplicity and joy,
 so that following … Continue reading Happy Feast of St. Francis de Sales!