Urbi et Orbi Message of His Holiness Pope Francis Easter 2024

Dear brothers and sisters, Happy Easter! Today throughout the world there resounds the message proclaimed two thousand years ago from Jerusalem: “Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified, has been raised!” (Mk 16:6). The Church relives the amazement of the women who went to the tomb at dawn on the first day of the week. The tomb of Jesus had been sealed with a great stone. Today … Continue reading Urbi et Orbi Message of His Holiness Pope Francis Easter 2024

Empowering Youth in Liturgical Service: Nurturing Faith Through Participation

By JC Montenegro, PhD (ANS – Bellflower) – The other day, I attended the 10:00 AM Mass at St Dominic Savio Church in Bellflower, CA. I was impressed with the way the liturgy took place. There was nothing out of the ordinary, considering the structure of the liturgy. However, something different and unique was happening. Children and young people were empowered to serve. From the … Continue reading Empowering Youth in Liturgical Service: Nurturing Faith Through Participation

Youth Easter for Teenagers and Young Adults of the Salesian Santa Clara Work

Santa Clara, Cuba – March 2024 – During the Easter Triduum, a group of teenagers and young adults from the Salesian Santa Clara work in Cuba gathered to celebrate Youth Easter 2024. The activity was led by the Salesian Cooperators from the Father José Vandor Local Centre. Every day about 30 teenagers and young adults reflected on the meaning of celebrations, symbols, liturgy and how … Continue reading Youth Easter for Teenagers and Young Adults of the Salesian Santa Clara Work

“Today, If We Want to Be Salesians, We Cannot Think of Ourselves Without Young People”

(ANS – Caracas) – After visits to the communities in Boleíta and Altamira, Fr. Hugo Orozco, Councillor for the Interamerica Region, visited the Salesian community in Sarría on March 17 and 18, characterized by a strong youth presence. Fr. Orozco concluded the Extraordinary Visitation on March 21 and 22 at the Provincial headquarters by sharing the current situation of the Province and highlighting the challenges to … Continue reading “Today, If We Want to Be Salesians, We Cannot Think of Ourselves Without Young People”

Dios de la Luz, de la Vida, del Amor

Por P. Ed Liptak, SDB Se necesita un pecador, o una persona extremadamente consciente de la oscuridad del pecado, para comprender plenamente la misericordia de Dios. San Agustín, aún joven, estaba sumido en un grave pecado.  Cuando por fin se convirtió, escribió: “Oh Belleza, siempre antigua, siempre nueva, demasiado tarde te he amado”. Eso no era exactamente cierto. El Dios de quien habló era y … Continue reading Dios de la Luz, de la Vida, del Amor