Thanksgiving for the Rector Major 2024

Rome, Italy – June 2024 – On Monday, June 24, the traditional Feast of Thanksgiving for Don Bosco and his Successors at the head of the Salesian Congregation was renewed for the 154th time. The Feast of Thanksgiving 2024 had its own evident special features that made it even more special than usual: first of all, it was once again celebrated in Rome, after the two years of celebrations in Turin. Secondly, and even more so, because it represented the last Thanksgiving Feast for Ángel Fernández Artime, 10th Successor of Don Bosco, Rector Major of the Salesian Congregation since March 2014 and created Cardinal in September 2023. He will receive a new appointment from the Holy Father Francis next August. Several Sons of Don Bosco of the community, who are celebrating their respective jubilee anniversaries this year, were also honored.