What is Drusen: Diagnosis and Treatment

Abstracted by Sheila Kun RN, BA, BSN, MS By Daniel Porter – Reviewed By Ninel Z Gregori, MD – Published Apr. 26, 2023, American Academy of Ophalmology Drusen are yellow deposits under the retina. Drusen are made up of lipids and proteins. Drusen can be different sizes—small, medium, and large. Small drusen are common in those 50 and older without age-related macular degeneration (AMD). But having many small drusen … Continue reading What is Drusen: Diagnosis and Treatment

Oral Hygiene – Cleaning and Flossing

Abstracted by Sheila Kun RN, BSN, MS Following our discussion on teeth brushing, this week, we will focus on cleaning and flossing; these are important steps to improve your dental health. The data is from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Educational website. https://www.nidcr.nih.gov/health-info/oral-hygiene Clean Between Your Teeth Cleaning between teeth to remove plaque is also part of a good oral hygiene routine. If … Continue reading Oral Hygiene – Cleaning and Flossing

Oral Hygiene – Brushing Teeth

Abstracted by Sheila Kun RN, BSN, MS For the last few weeks, we have come to a better understanding of dental conditions such as gum disease, cavities and oral cancer. This week, let us look at how we can prevent these problems by taking care of our teeth to begin with. From the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Educational website, I found the following … Continue reading Oral Hygiene – Brushing Teeth

Devitalization (Root Canal Therapy), Dental Implant and Oral Cancer

Abstracted by Sheila Kun RN, BA, BSN, MS We have discussed gum and cavities problems. This week, let us cover 3 areas in dentistry: devitalization, dental implant and oral cancer. I have been gathering information for you from my friend Dr. Lucas Naccache and posting from the CDC.  From Dr. Lucas Naccache – Lyon – France » Devitalization:  If the decay is too close to the … Continue reading Devitalization (Root Canal Therapy), Dental Implant and Oral Cancer

Cavities – Another Common Dental Problem

Abstracted by Sheila Kun RN, BSN, MS The topic for this week is a familiar dental problem – cavities. I am combining the information from the CDC and my friend from Lyon, France, Dr. Lucas NACCACHE. Cavities (Tooth Decay) (from CDC) Cavities are caused by a breakdown of the tooth enamel by acids produced by bacteria located in plaque that collects on teeth, especially along … Continue reading Cavities – Another Common Dental Problem

Dental Health: Common Problems Encountered

By Dr Lucas Naccache – Lyon – France Sheila’s note: When I launched the search for dental health issues, I was puzzled by the bits and pieces of information that were hard to read. I therefore took the liberty to ask my dentist friend Dr. Lucas Naccache in Lyon, France to write an article for you about dental health. He graciously agreed. I will combine … Continue reading Dental Health: Common Problems Encountered

How to Combat Loneliness

By Sheila Kun RN, BA, BSN, MS You might recall this write-up about seniors in their aging process and the challenges ahead of them. The following captures the scenario that seniors might be facing: Be aware that the people surrounding you are less and less. Your grandparents, parents, uncles, and aunts probably have gone before you by now. You are left with families or friends … Continue reading How to Combat Loneliness